

A selection of our self help Youtube audio guides

For our full range of sessions, all on our YouTube channel. Simply click on the logo.

Anger Management

We’ve all been there, sat in heavy traffic, that need to be somewhere else 5 minutes ago and feeling out stress levels rise.

Well, that was me many years ago and now I find that time to breathe, relax and take time to notice this incredible world around me. There I am, stationary in heavy traffic and I take time to notice that singular flower under the central reservation barrier or a bird gliding aimlessly above me. What ever it takes, I notice, appreciate and relax.

You too can find that mental balance, let go of stress, become more ‘You’.

Why not start by listening to one of our Youtube sessions and then booking an appointment for a chat about how we can help you.

Martin Hewelet Pain Relief
Martin Hewelet Calming An Overactive Mind

Training Focus

Many people who meet me ask how I manage to achieve the goals I set. And to everyone of them the answer is always the same.

Focus – It really is that simple but in reality takes planning and commitment.

From an early age when I used to compete in Springboard Diving I realised that in order to work on a new dive, eg: 2 and a half somersault with a full twist I would spend 2 to 3 weeks mentally rehearsing the dive over and over in my head. This way I would program my muscles to fire at the right time, trust me, when actually performing the dives you have no time to think.

Through this process I developed a way of mentally preparing myself that transposed into all the other sports and activities I embarked on.

These included in the early days a couple of marathons ( sub 3 hours ) , sub 18 minute 3 mile run, 10,000 meter swim in 3 hours etc.

Over the past 10 years this concept has taken me to 12 British Power lifting records in 3 different weight divisions, a European Squat record, the World Deadlift record and becoming the 2018 World champion ( for age and weight).

I now am passionate about helping you achieve similar success in your field.

Weight Loss

How many times have we started out with the best of intentions on our new diet only to fail a few weeks down the line and go bad to those old, bad habits and end up putting all that weight back on?

Diets really shouldn’t be called ‘diets’. We should think about this new life style in a different and more positive way. Instead of working hard on a way of life that isn’t natural to you how about re-training your mind and expectations to a way of life and eating that suits you!

I have been there so many times too, craving chocolate or fatty foods until I came to the conclusion that I was going about it all the wrong way.

Now, using self hypnosis I proved to myself and everyone around me that taking control of the mind helps us stay on course, become far happier about te direction our lives are going and remain healthy without ever falling off the wagon.

Using my system I can help you with your will power, commitment and expectations that will be long lasting and positive.

Check out the change I achieved below.

Martin Hewelet Calming Sleep
Martin Hewelet Pain Relief


One of the biggest issues facing a large proportion of the population today. With people now averse to taking medication as the first step in controlling their anxiety they are now (like you) researching a more natural and permanent solution. This is where meditation and mindfulness comes in. With my background and lifetime of experience in many fields of expertese I have developed a series of techniques that will help you control then overcome anxiety and bannish it for good.